Shaleeka ID bags are made with high-quality materials that guarantee its longevity. If the following instructions are adhered to, your unique bag will last a lifetime!
Here is how!
--Do not overload your bag.
--> Avoid prolonged exposure to humidity and direct sources of heat (radiators, sun).
--> Avoid contact with rough, sharp or abrasive materials.
--> Take special care of white or light colored bags to avoid stains, as it is difficult to clean them.
--> In case of contact with water or any other liquid, use a clean dry cloth and apply a gentle tapping motion to absorb the liquid as soon as possible. (Our textured material is of the very high-quality medium. It is water and stain proof but it’s best to keep them at bay! )
--> Store your ID bag in its satin pouch filled with silk paper so that it retains its shape.